Monday, August 6, 2007

SPPP August 2007 Meeting

Lest I forget again, here is the update on our meeting last night...

The contest theme is Open (anything goes as long as there are humans in the photo)... Our judges are the members of the Saturday Club...Buddy Convocar, Nick Masangkay, Mario Panis and Abe Lucas.

The winners are:

1st place: Robert Lester Aliscad

2nd place: Lito Genilo

3rd place: Mitch Derecho (do I hear some violent reactions Mr Edwin Maximo? Hehehe!)

Let me add that we're so proud that new members Edwin Maximo, Louise Casal, Joseph Tutanes and my classmate and good friend, Arnel Rigor made it to the Top 5.

Here is an update on the current standing of the members vying for the Photographer of the Year 2007...

Robert Lester Aliscad - 9 points

Lito Genilo - 7 points

Rogel Masiclat - 6 points

Edwin Maximo - 3 points

Gari Lim - 3 points

Angie Rili - 2 points

Louise Casal - 1 point

Mitch Derecho - 1 point

Andy Samaniego - 1 point

It's never too late to win... a surprise grand slam will yield 6points and we still have 3 more contests to go... so at this point, it's still anybody's ballgame.

Back to last night, we had a nude model but to the dismay of the lady photographers (mine mostly...), we had another female nude model. I thought we agreed that it's about time to change our viewpoint and work on the male species this time... Oh well, guys rule... but wait until we ladies rule... hehehe!!! (To think that Jessie Herrera and Joseph Tutanes were so ready to shed off their clothes... next time guys!!!)

While we did the photo shoot, the members of the Saturday Club did their thing with their charcoals and pastels. The result of the 30-minute session was amazing. After the session, they taught us how to do basic sketching... I tell you, basic is not the right word. I had a difficult time figuring the right measurements of the nude model... I had one sketch with a very long torso which made her look like a creature from outer space, another sketch with the right mesurements but with bulky arms which will rival that of a sumo wrestler. Practice...practice...practice!!!

Next month's contest theme is Black&White (it's like an open contest except that it's in b/w). For the benefit of the new members, entry size: 8x10 or 10x8 (with or without border) and maximum number of entries is 3 per member.

We'll definitely have an update on the Boracay mentor series during the September meeting.


  1. haha! jesse po ms leah!

  2. speaking of ppl, we saw a bunch of ppl taking wedding photos near a drain...haha...much more scenery i guess...yours is much more better :D

  3. Gostei muito desse post e seu blog é muito interessante, vou passar por aqui sempre =) Depois dá uma passada lá no meu site, que é sobre o CresceNet, espero que goste. O endereço dele é . Um abraço.
