Friday, May 18, 2007


Applicants aspiring for membership to the SOCIETY OF PORTRAIT PHOTOGRAPHERS OF THE PHILIPPINES must agree to the following requirements:

  • The applicant must be willing to be interviewed by the Club Secretary, or Chairman of the Committee on Membership, or any SPPP officer duly designated by the SPPP president, to determine the his/her extent of photography background, interest in photography, and present skill level as a photographer.
    From the results of the interview or background check, the applicant will be categorized as hobbyist, advanced hobbyist, semi-professional, or professional photographer.

  • The applicant must be willing to attend all SPPP regular and special meetings and participate in all activities during a one year probationary period as a test of his/her interest to join the organization. Failing to attend a single meeting and/or activity without prior notice, valid reason, or securing an excuse from the SPPP president or secretary will lead to the disqualification of his/her application for membership to SPPP.

  • On the probationary period, the applicant must shoot portraits of at least three regular SPPP members in a studio set up, and submit 11’ x 14” color or black-&-white prints before the IMC membership for critic. After the one year probationary period, and meeting all the requirements for SPPP membership, all the officers and regular members of SPPP will decide on accepting or declining the applicant’s membership.

1 comment:

  1. hi po.. would like to ask who to contact in case I want to join your group. Thanks.
